2022 Key Club Holiday Baking Competition

Megan Kruse, First Place winner of Key Club baking competition, with her Gluten free petit fours.
On Dec. 14 2022 Becton held its second annual Key Club holiday Baking Competition.
The Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service and build character. Chef Kimberly Damelio is the head of the Key Club at Becton and decided to add this event to the list of Key Club traditions due to the success of the competition last year. The turnout last year was extremely positive, as there were around twenty total contestants.
The competition is run by the Key Club, but all staff and students are encouraged to participate. The judges this year differed from last year as Key Club members themselves were the judges rather than Damelio and second member of the Culinary Department, Chef Eduardo Perdomo. Damelio stated, “Last year was amazing, …. It was incredibly difficult to determine a winner.” This statement proved true for this year’s competition as well. The top three finalists were Megan Kruse with her gluten free petit fours, Aiden Hansen with his chocolate cupcake with peppermint pudding, and Mrs. Annamaria Altomonte with her susumelle cookie. Although these three contestants made amazing dishes, Megan Kruse took first place with her gluten free petit fours cakes. Kruse did not go home empty handed and was awarded a baking supplies bundle gifted by the Key Club for her accomplishment.
Due to the overwhelming number of participants and goods baked, the Key Club let no dessert go to waste, as they were sold after school outside the performing arts center. Although Damelio does not participate in the baking competition, she said that if she did, she would make, “popcorn mousse paired with chocolate cake and nut brittle.”
This fun holiday event was yet another success and Becton staff and students hope to see it again next year!

Olivia Busa is back for her third year as an editor for The Cat’s Eye View, and she is ready to make her senior year at Becton Regional unforgettable!...