Senior Mikulko receives future scientist & technologist award


Jennifer Mikulko is recognized for her accomplishment at the October Board of Education meeting.

Becton Senior Jennifer Mikulko has recently been honored with the award of excellence from The National Academy of Future Scientists and Technologists, a membership organization which was chartered in 2014 to support students who are interested in science and technology. In order to receive this accolade, the applicant must exhibit leadership potential, academic performance and dedication to serving humanity.

The Congress of Future Scientists and Technologists, which is an academic honors program, hosted a three-day event in Massachusetts and by attending the event over the summer, Jennifer was recognized for her accomplishments and interest in science. “The first day of Congress started in the afternoon. The mentors and professors were present and we interacted with them,” said Jennifer. “Then the second and third days were full days of learning.”

The Congress provided students with compelling educational material and experiences to help prepare students for the challenges ahead of them and to keep them focused on their career paths. In order to qualify to attend the event, one must hold a specific grade point average of at least a 3.5 either current or cumulative. 

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…she opens the door for many students…

— Mr. Sawyer

At the Congress, the mentors exposed the students to various exciting fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Jennifer’s interest in STEM extends to robotics and artificial intelligence, as well as antigravity technology.

After being recognized for her achievement at the October Board of Education meeting, Math and Science Department Chairperson Mr. Sawyer stated, “I am very proud of Jennifer Mikulko. Being the first to win this prestigious award, she opens the door for many students who would like to follow in her footsteps.”

With strong computer science skills, the award recipient plans on attending the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and becoming an electrical engineer. “I’ve been influenced by Nikola Tesla,” she said.

She is extremely proud of her accomplishments, and she encourages underclassmen who are interested in the STEM fields to hold strong to their goals and keep a high grade point average.