
Dr. DeSousa and first-born Zoe!

The 2022 school year has been very exciting, but nothing is more exciting than welcoming a new baby into the world–or babies! This year, Becton has had one of the biggest baby booms. Many of our most loved teachers and faculty have welcomed new babies into their worlds! Within a little less than a year, a handful of staff members have had a child– Mrs. Diakos, Chef Damelio, Mrs. Sanchez, Mr. McGuire, Dr. DeSousa, and more are all able to welcome their little bundles of joy into their families, and the Becton family.

One of Becton’s staff members that was expecting was Dr. DeSousa. DeSousa welcomed his daughter on November 17, 2021. After a long search for finding the perfect name, DeSousa and his wife landed on Zoe Grace meaning “life and thanks”. He reflects on the moment he announced his wife was expecting to the staff, “I found out we were having the baby two weeks early. I found out right before a faculty meeting, and I was in a daze. Dr. Sforza, Mr. Bononno, and Mrs. Colangelo were the first I told. They were so excited for me!” There is nothing like expecting his first child. He shares that becoming a first-time parent comes with its own sets of challenges, but has been one of the best decisions that he has ever made. He looks forward to watching Zoe grow up. “It’s a surreal and beautiful experience.” 

The Diakos family cherishing their newest member!

Mrs. Diakos delivered baby #3 on April 21, 2021, over Spring Break. She was overjoyed to be able to finally meet her son Andreas G. Diakos, whose name was chosen to honor her father-in-law. Diakos has always loved keeping the tradition of passing down family names and is happy to do it again. One of her favorite memories, in particular, was sharing the news with her daughters, “My two daughters were excited to have a baby brother! It was definitely an adjustment welcoming a third child since my girls are a little older (almost 8 years old and 4 years old) but the girls love helping with the baby and we have gotten into a routine now.”  Diakos has been taking care of herself by making sure to be able to wind down and find time for herself by going on walks, and spending time with friends, “I have developed my own routine while staying home with the baby, but I do miss the routine of coming to school and being around all of the teachers and students. I look forward to meeting my new students next school year!”  

Baby Ivy ready to take on the world!

Becton’s very own Chef was expecting her first child this year as well– Chef Damelio! Damelio’s life has changed since delivering her first child, Ivy. She explains how everyday activities like buying groceries are now a new adventure with a baby. Chef D tells the story of telling the news to her classes, “I played a game where they had to solve culinary math problems to get letters to figure out a secret message (the message being that I was pregnant). They all screamed in shock! It was a lot of fun to see their reactions. One class even asked to have a gender reveal party. Through my pregnancy, so many students offered to help carry things and take on extra work so I would not have to. Our student body really is so amazing and so kind!” 

Baby Brady and Dad, Mr. McGuire, during their post school-day snooze!

Mr. McGuire was another lucky staff member who had a son on March 28, 2022, which was when baby Brady was welcomed. The decision of coming up with a name consisted of much back and forth between him and his wife. Because this was his first baby, he wanted to make the name fit his baby’s personality. He was excited to tell the student body about the exciting news, “The students were excited when I told them the news and always asked about names, when my wife was due– boy or girl, how my wife was feeling, etc. I was always willing to talk about it because it was our first child. The staff was equally excited! They were always giving me advice on what to expect and how it is different with every baby because they all have different personalities. The staff and students have been great! Always asking how he is doing, giving me gifts, and offering support. It has been so helpful!”

Congratulations to all our Becton Faculty who are even greater Becton Parents! We love to watch our Wildcat Family grow!