Judge Padovano and Prosecutor Mark Musella Visit Becton Regional
On Thursday, Nov. 17, Ms. DePeri’s Law Class had the opportunity to hear Judge Padovano speak on his roles and responsibilities in his field of work. Not long after that on Monday, Nov. 28, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella came to speak about becoming a Prosecutor and what his duties are. Both speakers talked to the students about the steps they took to get where they are today. Students were also spoken to about internship opportunities students can get involved with, especially if they are interested in a field of law or a law environment.
As this is his second year coming to speak to the law class, Padovano says he thoroughly enjoys and appreciates the opportunity to speak with the Becton students regarding the New Jersey Judiciary. “I think it gives the students a unique opportunity to hear about the inner workings of the judicial branch of government in New Jersey,” he commented. He hopes that his discussion with the students will help spark an interest in the practice of law. “Law is a wonderful profession which can provide you with an opportunity to help people work through many various situations. As a person in the legal profession, you often find yourself in the situation of ensuring that justice and fairness is achieved,” he said. Though practicing law is not easy, Padovano says it can be an extremely rewarding career.

Musella has been doing an outreach program where he comes to school to talk to students about his career and what he does as a Prosecutor. “I really enjoyed that he took the time to come and talk to us about his job,” Junior Keilah Gonzalez said. Both speakers coming to talk to the students have provided a way for them to make the decision of whether or not they’d like to pursue a career in law and give them an idea of what they would be getting into. Gonzalez also added that Becton allowing these speakers to come and talk to students gives a big opportunity to those who hope to go to school for law. “It will help me for the future as I will have a basis of knowledge if I end up going to law school,” she added. Gonzalez is one of the many students who hopes to take the internship opportunity for the experience, also adding it can be good for her resume.
DePeri feels that she’s been fortunate enough to bring in professionals who are kind enough to visit her class. She says that she’s always on the lookout for new ones. “My goal as a teacher is to make my classes as engaging as possible and I believe for a class like law, it’s especially important for students to make connections to the world outside of school,” she comments. It is thought that these presentations enhance their learning to help them make meaningful connections. Students who are interested in a career in law are able to ask questions to the guests who have hands-on experience in that field.
We look forward to seeing who else Deperi brings in to enlighten students!

Rose Padovano is a senior at Becton Regional High School-- soon to graduate Becton and pass the torch to her two younger siblings who currently attend...