BRHS welcomes Ms. Prinzo as new moderator of GHG

Ms. Prinzo and the GHG members hold up their cards full of kind words.
October 4, 2016
The Girls Helping Girls Club eagerly welcomes a new moderator, English Teacher Ms. Prinzo, for the 2016-2017 school year.
“I really love the idea of this club because it promotes positive interactions between girls,” said Ms. Prinzo.
Ms. Klamerus, a Becton Special Education Teacher and Student Assistance Coordinator, will act as Ms. Prinzo’s assistant.
Following the footsteps of the previous moderator of the club, Ms. Prinzo has high hopes of incorporating more events and activities between the female peers of the school. She also desires to continue having fundraisers as well as having female guests come in to talk to the club members. She feels there were a lot of previous outside activities and hopes to build more interaction inside Becton itself.

Although this is the first time Ms. Prinzo has ever advised a club, she is looking forward to it with excitement. When she attended high school, she was involved in a club fairly similar to that of Girls Helping Girls. It was called the ‘Interact Club’ and was open to both males and females.
While wrapping up the month of September, the new moderator has already begun her first activity for Respect Week where the members of the club were given the opportunity to write a kind message to each other on a card. Following, for the month of October, she plans on having breast cancer survivors come in to speak to the members as well as initiating the first fundraiser.