May Student of the Month: Sophia Diaz

Becton Regional High School honors one student each month for their hard work and dedication based on academic achievement, involvement in the community, and demonstrating leadership qualities. For the month of May, Becton has announced there are not one but two students who have met the criteria, Peter Schumann and Sophia Diaz! Diaz has shared her gratitude for winning Student of the Month, “I feel incredibly honored to be Student of the Month! I feel it is a privilege to be a part of this selective group of fantastic people who have done so much to earn this title.” She also shares how special it means to be named Student of the Month, with one of her best friends, “I’m so excited and glad I get to share this with Peter! He’s one of my closest friends, and I’ve done a bunch of shows with him since the beginning of 7th grade. So the fact I get to share this with him is so special and I’m happy he gets to have this as well!”

Diaz’s schedule of English CP, TV Production 2, Spanish 4 Honors, AP Calculus, AP European History, and College/Career Writing and Readiness. As for extracurriculars, is the Treasurer and Reporter for the National Honors Society, the Drama Club performing in multiple shows, and the Captain of the Volleyball team this year. When asked how Diaz is able to multi-task all her classes, she admits, “It’s sometimes been hard to manage, but I keep up with my schoolwork by managing my time as best as I can!” However, when she does get time for herself, she can be found spending time with her family, reading, or catching up with TV shows and movies. She validates the importance of finding time for herself on the weekends outside of school.
Long-time teacher Justine Settembrino has known Diaz as a student for 3 years including classes for TV Production 1 and 2, and Drama. She characterizes Diaz as “hard-working, kind, charismatic, and passionate. She is a true leader.” Settembrino has been a witness to Diaz’s growth inside and outside of the classroom. She adds, “She has always been a star student who is ambitious and driven, and these qualities have just continued to grow and develop more over the years.” When asked what Diaz’s best attribute is, Settembrino answered, “She is willing to drop everything and help regardless of how inconvenient it may be.” It is evident that Diaz exemplifies what it means to be a role model in the community. Diaz will be missed in the Becton halls, Settembrino testifies, “I have really enjoyed having Sophia in class, and I am going to miss her next year. She is a pleasure to work with and teach.”
Diaz’s motivation for achieving academic success comes from her will to always try her best in all that she does. She shares, “I always strive to be the best that I can be, whether that is in school, in a sport, or on stage. It helps me improve not only as an individual but as a friend and mentor to other people.” As for her proudest accomplishment, she expresses her love for her performing in Becton’s Spring Play, Rent with some of her closest friends, “This show has been a dream show of mine to do, and to be able to play my dream role of Mimi with my best friends really was a highlight of my last Becton.”

Upon reflection on her high school experience, she views it as positive. She reminisces on her memorable moments throughout her high school journey, “One of my favorite memories in high school was winning the Battle of Patterson Ave my Junior year. That was an incredibly special game for not only the school but for my teammates as well who helped us get the win over Wallington. Just being a part of that game made me feel proud to be a part of a small fraction of the whole team.”

As for Diaz’s plans after graduation, she is ready to embark on a new adventure, college. She conveys her enthusiasm, “Since I am going to school in Michigan, I am excited to go to college and meet new people, and create life-long friendships. I am also super excited to see where my future takes me! While I hope to be somewhere in the entertainment industry, I know I will end up where I’m meant to be.” It is clear that Diaz’s future is bright and will shine wherever the road takes her! Becton applauds Diaz for all her hard work and determination to get to where she is and where she is heading! Congratulations to none other than Sophia Diaz!

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