February Student of the Month: Oliwia Hanas

Oliwia Hanas, February Student of the Month, is an exceptional example of what a model student is at Becton Regional High. Oliwia ranked 7th in her class, has shown dedication and commitment to her studies and extracurriculars, setting the benchmark for future students to come.
Hanas has partaken in a multitude of Advanced Placement and Honors classes, in addition to her extracurricular activities. Since freshman year, she has taken AP U.S. History, AP Physics, and now AP English Literature and Composition. Her honors classes range from English Honors, Calculus Honors, Spanish 4 Honors, Biology Honors, and Chemistry Honors. Additionally, she has been an active member of Key Club and Paw Club, and Images Magazine Club. She is also a valued member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society. Hanas voices that “being a part of these clubs the past four years has made me realize how much I value community service and volunteer work” and is something she plans to continue in college.
Hanas was so enthusiastic about her nomination. She states that she believes she was named student of the month because “I’ve worked really hard these past four years and have pushed myself to the furthest extent.” Hanas also articulates that seeing her hard work being validated by this huge accomplishment was a really motivating and eye-opening moment.
However, the road has not always been easy for Oliwia. She describes that “I think growing up with chronic migraines [a chronic migraine is defined as having at least 15 headache days a month, with at least 8 days of having headaches with migraine features, for more than 3 months] has been a major roadblock that I’ve had to overcome. Planning my time around these headaches and learning to do schoolwork and more with them has made me a more motivated and hardworking person. I’ve really learned how to manage my time wisely and always do my best with every obstacle, assignment, or project I’m faced with.” Hanas is a premium example that you can have adversities, but that does not make you any less capable to reach for the stars.
After Becton, Hanas plans to major in either biology or go to pharmacy school, and then work in the healthcare field. Some of her top schools are The College of New Jersey, Rutgers University, Lehigh University, and Ramapo College. Whatever the future holds for Hanas, she will succeed in whatever she chooses to do.
Lastly, Hanas would like to leave the underclassman some parting advice: “Recognize that your failures aren’t blocking your path to success and it is more than okay to not know what you want to do in the future.” Clearly, Olivia has shown us that taking things one step at a time is a meritorious pathway that leads to the top! Congratulations Oliwia!

Giana DiLemme is currently a senior at Becton Regional High School. She loves being involved in her school's community as she is a part of the Key Club,...