Juniors Wojna & Brizzolara to attend Boys State this June
Juniors Justin Wojna and David Brizzolara will be representing Becton H.S. and the town of Carlstadt at this year’s Boys State.
May 16, 2018
Becton juniors Justin Wojna and David Brizzolara, who reside in Carlstadt, have been selected to participate in this year’s 73rd annual American Legion Jersey Boys State from June 17 to June 22. The event will be held at Rider University in Mercer County, NJ.
As part of Boys State, also known as “A Week That Shapes the Future,” participants will learn important information such as the responsibilities of a voter and the functions of political units of government and political parties.
All high school students are selected in the early part of spring by their local American Legion Posts, and each post fundraises to send delegates from their community.
“According to former Becton Science Teacher Mr. Siri, who is a member of the American Legion Post 69, I was nominated because of my high grades and involvement in Becton’s extracurricular activities,” stated Justin.“I feel like I am a unique Carlstadt resident because I hold high academic standards for myself. I am very musically talented and actively participate in the school’s marching and concert bands, which I think is unique. I also contribute back to my community by being a part of clubs such as Key Club, and I am a member of the National Honor Society.”
“The teachers selected myself and a few other students for the same reasons. When I was called down to the guidance office, Mr. Caprio explained the program to me and what an honor it was to be chosen,” he added. “I’m really looking forward to the experience of staying away at a college because I will most likely commute.”
Furthermore, David mentioned that he feels honored because out of all the students that the faculty at Becton could have selected to receive this privilege, they chose him primarily due to his good grades and leadership skills. “I look forward to meeting new people, experiencing how our government works and feeling like I am a part of it all.”
As part of the five-day program, attendees are encouraged to run for one political office in the categories of city, county and state and become active in their party’s convention process.
Along with Justin and David, Becton juniors Maxim Spirenkov, Josh Novello and Gene Lee will be attending Boys State and representing the town of East Rutherford.
Boys State can be credited to Professor Hayes Kennedy who created the program in 1935 as a counter movement to “Young Pioneer Camps” that were constructed in the 1930’s and were being supported by the Communist Party.
Boys State then arrived in New Jersey in 1946, and over 50,000 delegates have participated in the program since then.