Juniors Spirenkov, Novello & Lee to attend Boys State in June
Becton juniors Maxim Spirenkov, Josh Novello and Gene Lee have been selected to participate in this year’s 73rd annual American Legion Jersey Boys State from June 17 to June 22. The event will be held at Rider University in Mercer County, NJ.
As part of Boys State, also known as “A Week That Shapes the Future,” participants will learn important information such as the responsibilities of a voter and the functions of political units of government and political parties. In addition, delegates are each encouraged to run for political office and to participate in their political party’s convention to nominate candidates for state office.
All high school students are selected in the early part of spring by their local American Legion Posts, and each post fundraises to send delegates from their community. Prior to attending the program, all Bergen County delegates must attend a mandatory orientation at Elmwood Park A.L. Post #147 on April 25 and May 16.
Maxim Spirenkov said that they were informed of being selected to attend Boys State via email from Mr. Paul Weiss from the American Legion Post 67 in East Rutherford. “I was really happy about being selected,” he said. “I have been interested in Boys State since freshman year when I heard former Becton graduate Ryan Strauss speak highly of the program.”
“I am attending Boys State because I have gone to Yale and Penn Model Congress in the past with Becton’s ‘nearly famous debate team’ and have really enjoyed them. Although Model Congress and Boys State are not the same thing, they are similar, so I am very excited to attend,” remarked Josh Novello. He then mentioned that he thinks he will find broadening his knowledge of government as well meeting new people who also share the same interest as himself to be the most exciting parts of attending the week-long event.
Josh would like to thank Mr. Paul Weiss and the entire American Legion for this experience that he is about to embark on.
Furthermore, Max plans on attending Boys State to expand his knowledge of American government as well as to sharpen his leadership skills.
Last but certainly not least, Gene Lee stated, “I would like to thank my APUSH teacher, Mr. Carr, who inspired me to agree to attend this program.”
Boys State can be credited to Professor Hayes Kennedy who created the program in 1935 as a counter movement to “Young Pioneer Camps” that were constructed in the 1930’s and were being supported by the Communist Party.
Boys State then arrived in New Jersey in 1946, and over 50,000 delegates have participated in the program since then.

As a former Journalism I and II student, Senior Patrick Cao is an editor for the Cat’s Eye View. Being his third year writing for the Cat’s Eye View,...