Becton students Banca and Cruz host suicide awareness event; Raise $5,000

Sing into the Sunlight is an annual suicide prevention and awareness benefit concert and festival co-founded by Seniors Faith Banca and Rebecca Cruz.
“Rebecca and I both wanted to do something that made a difference, and we realized that suicide is a huge issue that so often goes unnoticed. It’s a problem that people often like to avoid, but the issue is only becoming greater because of this negligence,” stated Faith.
This year’s event raised approximately $5,000 with help of countless volunteers who dedicated long hours for the cause, individuals who attended the event, and the companies that donated. Some businesses that aided in making the event a success were Six Flags, Annabella’s, the William’s Center and Goffin’s.
One hundred percent of the money raised is donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The organization uses its funds to facilitate research, create support groups, and fund awareness programs that revolve around suicide prevention.
“With speakers like former Becton student Jen Figueroa and author Lisa Schenke, we reached out to not only teenagers but also adults,” stated Rebecca Cruz.
Three seniors here at Becton were among those who performed at Sing into the Sunlight. Rebecca Sass and Sharon Skeahan performed together, as well as assisting the event by announcing each performer.
Sing into the Sunlight ended with an applause-evoking performance by Becton’s own Juwan Elcock. Many students attended the concert to watch Juwan’s performance and definitely were not disappointed. Although co-founders Faith and Rebecca will both be away at college next year, Sophomore Zak Kandiel has already planned to take over the event. Zak is extremely dedicated to making sure Sing into the Sunlight remains just as successful as this year and he intends on helping it grow.
After the second annual Sing into the Sunlight benefit concert, expectations for a much more widespread event are high. With plans to advertise the event on both the radio and television, founders hope to acquire more attention this time around.

David is currently a senior, but as a junior, he was nominated for Boys State. For nearly four years now, David has been a member of the debate...