Business Instructor Mr. Siracusa to be new math league adviser

Mr. Siracusa has experience in business, finance and accounting.
November 18, 2016
Business Teacher Mr. Siracusa is excited to be the new adviser for Becton’s math league. “I wanted to be the adviser because I have a love for math, and I have the capability of motivating our students to take their skills to the next level,” he said.
Mr. Siracusa said he particularly enjoys advising the club because he is surrounded by a group of talented students who excel in the subject. He’s proud of the team and hopeful of their future success and accomplishments. “[The club members] are confident in their skills and that confidence supersedes any sense of doubt that may come to mind in competitions,” he said.
His favorite part of advising the club is watching the students successfully solve problems. Mr. Siracusa continued to state that he is excited because he gets to see how his team can join together as one and analyze mathematics while competing against opponents.
There are no requirements to join the club, so the business teacher encourages all to join “as it is a great way for students to join together as one and attack problems”.
Mr. Siracusa has become the adviser for math league because in college, he majored in finance, which is mathematics driven. Although he was not part of this club in high school, he mentioned that if he could go back, he would definitely take the challenge by joining the league.