Becton Names Educational Service Professional of the Year: Mary Vaccaro

May 24, 2016
Becton has officially named its Educational Service Professional (ESP) of the Year: Mary Vaccaro. Every year, the school nominates a teacher or ESP that has proven to have done an outstanding job in helping students, staff, and encouraging personal achievement in its many forms.
As the school’s media specialist, Ms. Vaccaro is tasked with coordinating not just one or two classes, but facilitating the entire school’s needs regarding technology, research, production, and all types of media. Her expertise not only serves as a resource for students, but for staff as well. On top of her presence in the media center, Ms. Vaccaro also oversees the Virtual High School (VHS) program, the school website and twitter feed, and even teaches personal finance throughout the school year and in the summer. She deeply values the connection she has with her students and claims that seeing them is “the best part of [her] day.” She adds that she will miss the students who are graduating this year as she has grown close with several of them.
Regarding the award of being named ESP of the year, Ms. Vaccaro states “I am honored to be recognized and appreciated by my peers and school administrators. As a proud employee of Becton for 20 years, I always do what I feel is best for Becton. I see many wonderful things happening in the school and in the classrooms and am happy to be a part of it.” She continues: “I have seen us moving in a positive direction over the past few years by embracing technology and concepts which prepare our students for the 21st century. My goal has always been to do what is best for Becton and our students. I am proud to work with educators who value education and an administration committed to academic excellence and dedicated to the success of each and every student.”
Outside of school, Ms. Vaccaro is a member of a large Italian family, including 2 sisters, 1 brother, nieces and nephews. She also has a cat named Luigi. Her technological inclinations are satisfied with video games like Ms. Pacman and Wii Sports; she also enjoys traveling.