Ms. Giancaspro appointed BRHS athletic director position

Ms. Giancaspro has been appointed as the new Athletic Director of Becton Regional High School.
August 26, 2015
Mrs. Louise Clarke, Superintendent of Schools, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Annette Giancaspro as Athletic Director of Henry P. Becton Regional High School. Mrs. Clarke stated, “Ms. Giancaspro’s knowledge and experience with athletics as both an athlete and a coach offers a unique combination of skills and experience which will positively impact our school’s athletic program.”
Ms. Giancaspro was appointed at the public meeting on Wednesday, August 12, 2015. The Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional Board of Education is confident that Ms. Giancaspro’s work ethic, energy and leadership skills fit the needs of the Henry P. Becton Regional High School community. Mr. Richard Vartan, East Rutherford BOE member, added at the meeting that he is thrilled to have Ms. Giancaspro as our new athletic director.
Ms. Giancaspro received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Health from Montclair State University. She earned her Master’s Degree in Health Sciences and Supervisor Certification at New Jersey City University. Ms. Giancaspro is a Becton alumni from the Class of 1991 and has been a physical education and health teacher in the district for 15 years as well as an all-league, all-state, and all-county athlete in both basketball and softball in high school. She has coached girls’ basketball, girls’ and boys’ soccer, softball, volleyball, track, and bowling. Over the past 15 years, the new athletic director has positively contributed to the success of Becton and the Physical Education and Health Department. Throughout her career, she has been involved with many activities and committees, which have enabled her to learn the needs of our school community and to contribute to our school’s success. She has a long-standing track record of successfully interacting with students, staff and community members. She has been involved with many facets within the Becton community. She has served on the Student of the Month Committee, School Safety Committee, and School Climate Committee. She also served as the junior class advisor for many years, as well as the treasurer of the student activity and athletic accounts.
Ms. Giancaspro plans to do her best to improve the school’s athletic program as well as continue to encourage student confidence and achievement in athletics and extracurricular activities. She encourages students to participate in high school sports, which will offer adolescents rewarding experiences as well as life-long benefits. Students who participate in high school sports learn to take pride in their performance as they represent their school and community. They learn that through practice and hard work that they can achieve their personal and team goals. Ms. Giancaspro is confident that she has the ability and knowledge to improve upon our school’s athletic program. She strongly believes that she will be able to create a program which would benefit our faculty, community, and most importantly, our students.
As a former Becton alumni and athlete, Ms. Giancaspro is thrilled to have achieved her dream of becoming the Athletic Director of Henry P. Becton Regional High School. As she transitions to this next chapter of her educational career, she looks forward to working with community stakeholders, her fellow district administrators, the teaching and coaching staff, the parent community and most importantly, the students. She understands and embraces the excitement and challenges that lie ahead for the 2015-2016 school year. She is committed to improving the school’s athletic program and preparing Becton students for the complex world of tomorrow as she continues to work towards making the Becton Regional High School District athletic program the best in the state.