Becton’s Annual Open House Was a Hit
On Oct. 20 Becton held their annual Open House for the incoming 8th graders and their parents! There were many presentations and activities that the attendees could learn about, such as our JWPAC (JW Performing Arts Center), our art gallery, the culinary department, etc. It is safe to say that as groups of parents and children wandered the halls, their gaze was never idle for too long. As they started with the computer lab, they learned about their opportunities given for the future such as Becton’s Career Exploration Internship Program. The Media Center held our #BectonsBest students, such as the Student Council and our National Honors Society, whom you could ask about clubs, sports, and more. Students went on throughout the building, browsing our extracurriculars and learning about our dedicated departments. This gave our teachers a chance to welcome the Class of 2027 and discuss what their classes entail. Teacher Mr. Daniello rang through the halls with music while food was served on our Becton patio by the culinary department. The school was filled with new and inspired faces of teachers and students alike looking forward to their future at Becton.
Below is an extended list of what was presented at Becton’s Open House:
- Career Exploration Internship Program/Career & Technology Education Courses
- Gymnasium and Weight-Room
- JW Performing Arts Center
- Guidance Department
- Media Center
- Art Gallery
- Music room (Aux cafe)
- Becton Patio– Becton Bites
- ESL & World Languages Department
- Lab Experiments with the Science Department
- Child Study Team– Academic, Social Support & Enrichment
- Wellness Center– Relax, Rest & Recharge
- Creative Communications in the TV Studio
- Advanced Placement History classes
- Robotics Team- Robots & Beyond
- English Courses such as Dual Enrollment, Honors, and Inclusion & Advanced Placement classes
- Graphic Design– Graphics Galore
- Math Team & Programs Offered

Senior Julia Bubendorf is in her third consecutive year with The Cat’s Eye View and is currently serving as Co-Editor in Chief—what an achievement!...