Becton continues to offer variety of clubs, extracurricular activities
November 11, 2014
Becton Regional High School has an abundance of clubs and extracurricular activities to offer its students. The wide variety allows to accommodate each individual’s interests. Although the school year has already started, it is never too late for a student to join. The following list is an update of several clubs and activities.
Debate Team
During debate meets, two opposing teams are presented a resolution or topic that they will debate either affirmative or negative. Each team is allotted a set period of time to prepare, introduce their plans, cross-examine, and conclude. Speakers are judged on the effectiveness of their plan and their speaking ability.
Becton’s Debate Team is off to a great start. At the first varsity debate of the season, Becton brought home third place. In Becton’s home debate, the team placed second, and two Becton debaters received medals for Highest Speaker Points.
Currently, the team is selling Yankee Candles, which help fund Model Congress trips to University of Pennsylvania and Yale University.
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club constantly works to transform Becton into an environmentally friendly community. Members strive to educate fellow students and faculty on ways to help preserve the planet.
At the beginning of the school year, the club received a $1,000 grant, which is being used to purchase new recycling bins for each classroom. Ms. Annitti, the Environmental Club adviser, is working with the East Rutherford DPW to create recycling labels to put on each bin that include pictures of the different materials that can be recycled.
In addition, the club is holding a shoe recycling program. The club is collecting old, gently worn sneakers, boots, athletic shoes, and heels and sending them to ShoeBox Recycling, an organization that donates them to families in need. The Environmental Club has also begun its second Recycling Competition as part of Battle of the Grades.
Girls Helping Girls
Girls Helping Girls (GHG) is a service organization that aims to empower girls in not only the East Rutherford-Carlstadt communities, but the rest of the world. Created by Becton alumna Nikki Dombrowski, GHG constantly searches for ways to better the community and provide for underprivileged women.
Recently, members collected baby supplies to provide for women in shelters or in need and sold You Cannot Be Replaced bracelets to encourage suicide awareness. As the holiday season approaches, the club will also hold a toy drive for children in hospitals.
In previous months, the members have written postcards to sick children and female speakers visited the club to educate members about breast cancer.
Images is Becton’s annual art and literary magazine. Students of all grade levels are eligible to participate and contribute.
“You don’t have to be an artist to join,” said Mrs. Savincki, the magazine adviser.
There are numerous staff positions available for the magazine, including editors, typists, and artists. Teachers are also welcomed to submit students’ work. Meetings are held at least once a month in Mrs. Savincki’s classroom. In March, the magazine will hold a cover design contest and the winner’s work will be displayed in June upon publication.
Key Club
The Key Club is a service organization dedicated to bettering the community and helping underprivileged individuals. Recently, members participated in Trick or Treat for UNICEF in which students collected money for tetanus shots for women and children.
Moving forward, the club will participate in Operation Christmas Child, in which each member packs his or her own shoebox filled with toys, school supplies, accessories, hopeful notes, and donations that will be sent to children in need.
In December, the club will attend the Children’s Holiday Party through the NJ Apartment Association to help underprivileged children have a special holiday. Members will distribute toys, share meals, and interact with the children.
Math League
Math League is an academic club that allows students to show off and improve their mathematics skills. At each competition, the students answer six short-answer questions in 30 minutes, and the wide range of topics includes geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and advanced pre-calculus.
At the first competition of the 2014-15 season, Becton hosted and three students scored three out of six. The next competition is November 13 at Rutherford High School.
Math League Adviser Mr. Jasinski said, “I’m really confident in the team this year. We have a lot of veterans on the team as well as new freshmen and sophomores.”
A new aspect of Math League this year is the addition of officers. Students who wish to run must submit a resume and a cover letter.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that honors students of academic excellence. Members must keep an average GPA of 93.0 or above, actively participate in the school community, and complete their minimum of community service hours in order to remain in NHS.
So far this year, NHS held a fundraised over $600 for Breast Cancer Awareness and participated in the Senior-Senior Prom in October. On November 26, NHS will be hosting the annual spelling bee against Rutherford High School.
“We are looking forward to defend our title,” said Mrs. Colangelo in regards to Becton’s victory in last year’s spelling bee.
Other upcoming events include:
- Box Tops for Education
- Cartoon Band-Aid collection for Tomorrow’s Children’s Fund
- Fundraiser for Leukemia/ Lymphoma Society
- Book collection for Reach Out and Read program
- Community clean-up (collect litter within East Rutherford-Carlstadt community)
Prom Committee
The Prom Committee, run by the junior class, is in charge of all aspects of prom – raising enough funds to make it affordable, choosing decorations and entertainment, and providing juniors and seniors with a night they will not forget.
Future fundraisers include:
- Poinsettia sale throughout November
- Speedball Tournament on November 20
- Party Light Candles throughout December
- Talent Show on December 17
- Numerous bake sales at January basketball games
- Gertrude Hawk Chocolate sale throughout February
- Ultimate Frisbee Tournament on March 10
- 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament on March 26
Prom will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at Il Tulipano in Cedar Grove from 6-11 PM. From now until May, the Prom Committee will constantly work to lower the cost of prom before bids go on sale.
“This year’s prom is going to be very successful, a lot of fun, and a memorable night,” said Ms. O’Driscoll, the prom committee adviser.

Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is an extracurricular activity offered to all grades. Currently, the club hosts meetings every Monday after school to prepare for an upcoming competition in January against other schools in New Jersey. The competition consists of different science projects, which require building, research, and knowledge. If an individual places in the top three, he or she earns a prize. First place winner goes to Nationals to compete against other states.
Yearbook Committee
Becton’s Yearbook Committee is comprised of dedicated students that work the entire year to create a timeless book of memories for each graduating class. Staff positions include but are not limited to editors, writers, and photographers. Other members help with organization, think of design ideas, secure advertisements, and promote yearbook sales.
Yearbooks currently cost $60. However, after November 26, the price will rise to nearly $80. Purchases can be made through Adviser Mr. Maucione or
Cat’s Eye View
The Cat’s Eye View is Becton’s student newspaper. Staff members work hard to provide fellow students and faculty with up-to-date information about school and community news. The staff is made up of writers, editors, and photographers. Although much of the staff is comprised of journalism students, other Becton students are encouraged to join and contribute their work.
“If you have a passion for writing or if you’re looking to pursue a career in journalism, joining the newspaper staff is the greatest decision you can make,” said Co-Editor Devyn Di Meola.
Recently, the club discarded its print version of the newspaper and transformed it into an online publication. Not only is this option eco-friendly, but it also provides staff with an easier way to create and update more stories. The newspaper is available at