Becton Student Leaders make the WorldCast Summitt a Success!
On March 3, 2022, at the Meadowlands Research and Restoration Institute, Becton collaborated with the Meadowlands to present “Discovering the Balance between Development and Conversation at the Meadowlands” for the Worldclass Summitt. The Italian IV class and students of the Environmental Club had the opportunity to attend. The students were able to get some insight into the behind-the-scenes actions of how the government deals with issues concerning the environment. It was able to showcase the discussions of important matters such as local environmental problems. The Environmental Club and Italian class were invited by Dr. Laccetti, founder of the Silvio Laccetti Foundation. Laccetti and Mrs. Bonanno had been involved with the Silvio Laccetti Foundation for a few years. In fact, The Laccetti foundation was also one of the sponsors of our Senior Award Ceremony. This foundation has been a special part of many Becton members’ lives.

There were a total of 13 students who attended this conference, 5 students came in honor of the Environment Club, and 8 students on behalf of the Italian IV class. The Italian class and the Environmental Club partnered up to attend this program because, in this year’s curriculum, one of the major focuses was on the environmental concerns in today’s age. Additionally, there were several schools from Italy joining us via zoom at the WorldCast Summitt. Some of the presentations were delivered in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, so having Italian IV Honors students was a great way to deepen their exposure to the language as they were able to translate parts of the presentations.
It was a great experience for the class to be partnered together since each member of the class/club had something unique to bring to the conversation. The Environmental Club members had been working on the research committee since November to gather information and give a presentation at the meeting. According to Ms. Calasso, “The students spent several months gathering research and interviewing leaders in environmental programs which was a great educational experience. Instead of learning about these issues from a textbook or web page, students received access to historical documentation, development plans, and personal insight from Terry Doss, Co-Director of Research and Restoration at the Meadowlands. At the program, students were able to see the Meadowlands environment as a first-hand experience. It was incredible to see students passionately present on this environmental topic, along with students and leaders from around the world.” It was an important part for the students of the Environmental Club to witness the reality of the pressing issues that are being faced on a daily basis and to speak up about the dangers that may come from it.

The idea of attending a conference together sparked when Calasso and her students were learning about environmental issues. She sought after a program that would help shine a light about making a change, one town at a time. After stumbling upon an opportunity like this. Everything started to fall into place. They wanted to connect and learn with other disciplines outside of science and this was a great opportunity to do so.
The main issue that was being presented to the students was the local environmental issues. One student, in particular, that was drawn into this discussion was Jose Martinez, “There was one presentation that stood out to me, and it showed Venice, Italy, before and after the pandemic. The presentation went on and explained how Venice used to be so polluted, but after the pandemic, when everyone was indoors, it actually improved a lot.” Witnessing the contributions that society has made, shows the gravity of the situation we are living in right now. This was a positive experience for all included and when the opportunity arises, Becton would love to attend more conferences and discussions that include topics regarding the environment and keeping it sustainable.

By bringing both classes together, they were able to show the diversity of those who are interested in giving back to the Earth and were able to bond over world language and science. Calasso explained, “The Italian IV students are all seniors and the Environmental Club students who attended are all freshmen and through this experience, each group of students had an opportunity to learn from the other. There are very few times when seniors have an opportunity to learn from freshmen and vice versa, so this experience created a great learning dynamic. It was a positive experience for us all and both groups of students worked so well together.” Bonanno shared the same feeling by adding, “We had lots of fun working with the EC. They are really cool kids!” This was a wonderful opportunity for students interested in world language and natural sciences.

The conference itself consisted of 11 speakers including the Becton students and staff. Some of the other speakers were Vincent Prieto-NJSEA President, Dr. Silvio Laccetti of the Silvio Laccetti Foundation, Terry Doss of NJSEA Research and Restoration Co-Director, and students from Serra Negra Brazil, Novara Italy, Venice Italy, Ca’ Foscari University, and Point Pleasant NJ. It was an empowering moment for students to present among these individuals and will definitely inspire them to participate in more of these passionate opportunities in the future.
To learn more about this success, please take the time to watch it!: Worldcast Article.

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