Becton Celebrates American Heart Month and Valentine’s Day!
The month of February celebrates American Heart Month along with Valentine’s Day. American Heart Month is observed to honor those who are suffering from heart diseases as well as those who have survived these diseases. This is a prevalent matter due to the fact that a number of people are treated for medical heart conditions every year. However, with the proper care and awareness, it is possible to eliminate the chance of heart disease. On another note, those dealing with heart complications can still show their love on Valentine’s Day! The holiday is a sweet way to show one’s loved ones, survivors or not, that they are cared for and loved. Becton Regional High School is hosting a multitude of fundraisers and events throughout the month in honor of both of these appreciations, which allows the students and staff of Becton to learn more about these important holidays while also participating in exciting school activities!
To give background, American Heart Month was officially created in the year of 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was also a victim of a heart attack. Unfortunately, the need for national awareness of this topic has only grown with time. In fact, the AHA Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics reports that, “nearly 18.6 million people across the globe died of cardiovascular disease in 2019,” as explains. Although this statistic is alarming, it is possible for it to be lowered. There are many steps that every person can take to decrease their chances of heart disease. The bulletin board across the PAC center at Becton even shares a few. For example, the board explains that eating healthy, sleeping well, and exercising can combat the risk of heart disease. It also shares warning signs of heart disease a person may experience, which include fatigue, lightheadedness, and cold sweats. Although symptoms vary from person to person, it is important to be aware of them in order to receive proper medical care as soon as possible if necessary.

One fundraiser that is taking place in honor of American Heart Month is the mask sale that Key Club and its advisor, Ms. Kimberly Damelio, is hosting. The club members have prepared themed masks with red heart decorated ones for American Heart Month and multi-colored heart decorated ones for Valentine’s Day. Each mask was being sold for only 1 dollar! The collected funds will be combined with the “Becton Has Heart” fundraiser Ms. Jessica O’Driscoll is hosting that will essentially be donated to the American Heart Association. Damelio explains “[The ultimate goal] is to raise funds for the American Heart Association, spread awareness, and have Key Club do more activities to help their community!” The COVID-19 pandemic has added restrictions to many aspects of life and Key Club’s fundraisers were also affected by this. The club was limited by the fact that they were not able to sell food the past few years, and therefore came up with the idea of selling masks instead, which was clever! The fundraiser also motivates teachers as well, as those who purchase and wear a decorated mask on February 14th will be granted the opportunity to wear jeans! Damelio herself incorporates the holiday spirit into her own classes and enjoys making chocolate covered strawberries or simply chocolate treats with her students this time of year.
Along with organizing the “Becton Has Heart” GoFundMe fundraiser that is collecting donations for the American Heart Association, O’Driscoll had organized a few more fundraisers and sales at Becton too. The school store was selling chocolates, flowers, and even teddy bears in the spirit of Valentine’s Day! After returning to Becton from a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school store has come back as a success. Partners In Education, or better known as PIE, was in charge of this sale, as well as the school store full-time. The money made from this sale will go towards the school store to continue successfully running it. Proceeds from this Valentine’s Day sale will also be used for scholarships for seniors. O’Driscoll shares that she believes “[Valentine’s Day] is an extra and special day to remember the importance of people and what they mean to you.” Furthermore, she explains that this sale was a fun way to gift one’s loved ones, whether that be family, friends, or partners and encourages students to partake in it again next year!

O’Driscoll had also organized the Match-O-Matics Survey that was available for all students to take. This survey encourages students to answer questions about themselves, their personalities, and their interests. Afterwards, O’Driscoll and the staff were able to match students with other students who they were most compatible with. Students paid $1 to receive their results and were then able to connect with their match, if they choose to do so. O’Driscoll explained “We want to do fun events for students and staff in order to make school more enjoyable” when asked about the goal of this fundraiser. The money collected from the Match-O-Matics Survey will also go towards the school store.
Lastly, the junior class and it’s advisor, Ms. Polmann, hosted a Valentine’s Day themed fundraiser named “candy grams!” This fundraiser encouraged students to purchase note cards with different themes and expressions, such as “I loaf you!” or “You are me were meant to bee!” Students were also able to include a message of their own in these cards, and they were then attached to bags of candy. Polmann explains that the purpose of this fundraiser was to “[spread] love to friends, classmates, and even teachers because Valentine’s Day is about more than just romantic love.” These grams were available to be sent to anyone, from friends to lovers to teachers as well. All funds that were received from this fundraiser will go towards the Junior Class Prom. Kyla Groh and Aimee Bulger, the president and vice-president of the Junior Class, were the ones who proposed this idea for a fundraiser. Bulger shared that she was inspired by a fundraiser from the other classes at Becton. Groh also stated that the two “knew they wanted to organize a fundraiser where students were able to interact with each other through fun messages.” The two explained that “[We] are really determined to raise money for prom and provide people with a sweet and simple Valentine’s Day Gift!” This fundraiser allowed students to participate in school events and support the Junior Class!

Although these fundraisers and events are not here forever, the spirit of them should never be forgotten. As American Heart Month celebrates the survivors and victims of heart disease, it is important to be aware of the symptoms and effects of heart disease and take precautions against it. It is also necessary to show love to those dealing with these diseases and express our love to our loved ones on Valentine’s Day and on other days. Becton Regional High School arranged many fundraisers and sales this month to commemorate these events. As the month comes to an end, it should be encouraged to carry the spirit of these on and continue to show our appreciation and love for those around us.

Neziha Ulker is a sophomore at Henry P. Becton Regional High School. Intriguing enough, the word “Ulker'' translates to “Pleiades constellation”...