Alumni Spotlight: Phil McCrickard, Class of 2007

Phil met television personality and host of The Soup, Joel McHale, this past July.
November 4, 2014
Graduating from Becton Regional High School in 2007, alumnus Phil McCrickard has moved on to become a great success. Winning an Emmy Award for his work with Good Morning America, Phil has worked hard to get to where he is in the journalism field. While studying broadcasting and television production at Montclair State University, Phil had the opportunity to intern at The Daily Show, The View, LIVE! with Regis and Kelly, MTV Networks, and Concepts TV.
After graduating college in 2011, he began freelance work at ITV Studios, a New York City based reality production company that is globally owned. He was trained in the administrative side of production while assisting the finance team.
Currently, Phil works for ABC’s Good Morning America as a script coordinator. “I work vigorously through the night, prepping the script for the upcoming morning’s show to be distributed to the news anchors,” he said. He also controls room staff and distributes all of the production paperwork for the entire morning staff, crew and talent, through the live production of the show.
In addition, he closely assists the director’s associate and the senior producer in all of their pre-production needs from talent requests to acting as a liaison to visitors of the studio. He has also worked as audience coordinator, production assistant, and segment producer for the network’s Summer Concert Series. On the side, he had an online Man on the Street segment that ran for six episodes entitled “Phil on the Street.”
As an alumnus of Becton, Phil notes that the school taught him that everyone has his or her own story to tell. “Always stay curious and dig for a deeper meaning when carrying on a life in journalism,” he adds. He found his calling when touring NBC Studios while he was enrolled in his high school journalism class. It was upon experiencing an actual broadcasting studio that he decided he wanted to work in television.
Phil truly admires Ryan Seacrest for his involvement in every aspect of the television industry. He hopes to someday emulate Seacrest’s success.
Despite building up his own foundation of success, Phil is insistent on remaining grounded. “I had ‘humility’ tattooed on my right arm last year as a constant reminder to always remain humble and never take for granted all that I have,” he noted.
By the end of his career, he hopes to reach the top of the production ladder and become an executive producer for a talk/variety show. “I haven’t exactly mapped that out just yet but that’s what the mid-twenties are all about,” he stated.