A Boo-tiful Night for the Becton Community!
On October 29, 2021, Becton Regional High School held its annual Halloween Pep Rally! The event was set up with help from Ms. O’Driscoll and Mrs. De Peri, who have both been in charge of planning the pep rally for the last 4 years. The two hard-working teachers keep up the festive pep rallies because they enjoy getting to see the smiles on students’ faces as they can take part in the various activities or cheer on their classmates from the sidelines! The action-packed event is a way to let the students get excited for Halloween and to get their minds into something more experience-driven. The event was filled with entertaining games and activities that students and teachers were able to participate in and enjoy!

The first event held was Hungry Hungry Hippo. The participants had to team up and one of the team’s players was to sit on a scooter and collect as many whiffle balls as possible! The team with the most whiffle balls was crowned the winner of the game. Everyone was fierce and ready to win. The audience was on the edge of their seats watching the players spin around in search of the balls! For the girls, the Freshman team won, and the Junior team won for the boys. All the students were able to cheer on their friends and add to the clear feeling of excitement in the crowd! The next event was the Mummy Wrap Race. The players were partnered up and one player had to wrap the other with a roll of toilet paper to become mummified! Once completed, the player had to run as fast as they could around a cone placed on the other side of the gym. The first person to make it was deemed the winner of the race. While the players were wrapping their partner, DJ Topical, former Becton alumni, was able to play the music that kept the upbeat spirit of the students going. The students were able to sing and dance along too! This was a strong race between the Sophomore girls and the Teachers. The Sophomore girls won this time around. However, when it was the boy’s turn, the teachers took the prize! All the teachers that participated were able to capture the true essence of Becton´s competitiveness. There were a total of 11 winners! Even those who were on the sidelines were able to have fun and feel a part of the Becton family.

But the fun doesn’t stop there! There was still more to come! The next activity was the whiffle ball spoon race. Students and staff were to spin around, run to the cone and give it to their partner. Although this seems to look like the easiest out of all the competitions, each team took it nice and slow. If you or your partner dropped the ball, you would have to restart from the beginning. The students were able to feel involved throughout all the games. The crowned winners were the teachers, Ms. Polmann and Mr. Koch. When asked about the atmosphere that was shown throughout the pep rally, Ms. O’Driscoll expressed that “The students and staff demonstrated a positive and fun atmosphere at Becton Regional High School and our staff and students take advantage of every opportunity they can to be involved in these events.”
The final event to end the festive afternoon was the annual Pumpkin Pie Eating Contest! Our reigning champion Mr. Farina was able to get in on all the action as well as newcomer Mr. Lind. Students tried their best to win the competition, but no one can beat the best! Mr. Farina has found a technique that works like magic every time. When asked about his victorious ways, he remarked, “I am very proud to be the reigning king of pumpkin eating. It was a challenge that rivaled anything that I have done in my career, both as an athlete and as a professional. That being said, I do not want to look at a pumpkin pie until Thanksgiving!”

Returning for her third and final year of the Cat’s Eye View newspaper is senior Victoria Hernandez Garcia. Garcia hopes to fully master all the skills...