April Student of the Month: Jacklyn Sewastianowicz
Photo courtesy of genesisedu.com
Jacklyn Sewastianowicz has been named Becton Regional High School’s April Student of the Month.
April 6, 2019
Jacklyn Sewastianowicz has been named Becton Regional High School’s April Student of the Month. The high honor student has a 93 GPA and is ranked twelfth in her class.
“I am very honored to have been chosen for this honor because it has always been a small goal of mine. I was never sure it would be one that I would actually achieve, but I am glad my hard work has paid off,” she stated.
In terms of leadership, Jacklyn is vice president of her high school’s National Honor Society and captain of the girls’ tennis team where she plays third singles.
She also participates in a variety of clubs and activities such as the Robotics Club, Key Club, Chick-fil-A and Peer Leadership programs and the prom committee.
Jackie’s favorite courses are AP English, as well as her choir and show choir classes. “They are all expressive classes, but I admire English particularly because of all the hard work and it being such a small class. We are a little family.”
Outside of school, Sewastianowicz attends her part-time job of four years at The DOJO, a karate school in Rutherford. She serves as a student manager there, helps new children adapt to their surroundings, and assists the instructor during classes.
“I also participate in many different community service projects at work such as an annual summer food drive, Halloween candy drive, and Toys for Tots,” said the senior.
The April Student of the Month considers her father to be her role model. “By being a single dad, he has taught me the importance of working hard and setting my goals high and achieving those goals. He has always supported every single one of my dreams. I am very grateful he has helped lead me to where I am today.”
Jackie has committed to attend Washington State University this fall because ever since visiting the campus this past summer, it has always been her dream school. “It has the program I am hoping to major in, and the overall school has such a positive vibe. The people there are amazing, and I am excited to attend.”
The biggest challenge for Jackie academically has been time management and handling her school and workload. “ I work Monday through Thursday until 7-8 o’clock at night. I have to manage my normal school work, as well as any assignments I have to complete for the class I take through Virtual High School. I have learned that this is something I am definitely going to have to tackle going into college.”
What keeps the senior continuously motivated to work hard in high school though is the great future she envisions for herself.