BECT8N Infinity Schedule, earlier start time to be implemented next school year
Board of education unanimously approves changes
The BECT8N Infinity Schedule and an earlier start time will both be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year.
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, a flexible and innovative schedule, labeled the BECT8N Infinity Schedule, will be implemented in order to offer a substantial increase in the amount of opportunities for student learning.
After evaluating the current rotate-drop schedule for the past three years, as well as surveying faculty and staff, a committee of teachers, along with Principal Dr. Sforza, decided to propose adding a BECT8N Day to the existing rotation. The decision was made after visiting several other schools, speaking with various stakeholders and meeting numerous times to share input and discuss opinions.
“I was fortunate to work with a group of teachers that are forward-thinking and always have the best interest of our students in mind,” said Dr. Sforza.
The BECT8N Day is a fifth day that will be added to the end of the A-D current rotation where all classes will meet for 40 minutes each. The addition of the day will allow for consistency week to week along with increased student-teacher contact time throughout the school year. Additional benefits include more time for tutoring intervention, mentoring, curriculum writing, preparing meaningful lessons and meeting with clubs. In addition, various duty periods may allow further assistance with the management of the school and additional common/cross-curricular planning time.
With the current schedule, some classes were meeting as little as three times a week, so many teachers expressed concerns over not having enough face-to-face time with students. Many were worried that out of a five-day week, meeting only three times could hinder a student’s learning experience. Another concern with the current schedule was the “inconsistency in minutes that varied from week to week” expressed Dr. Sforza. So with the added day, classes are guaranteed to meet four times a week with only one drop instead of two.
For the most part, the days before and after long breaks will be BECT8N days in order to give teachers and students time to catch up on work. Throughout each week there will be one BECT8N Day, but the day of the week that it lands on may vary.
As the first school in Bergen County with an Infinity Schedule, Becton will soon have one of the most innovative schedules on the market. “This schedule meets the needs of all stakeholders, and my goal as the principal is to improve student learning and create an atmosphere and environment where students and teachers are excited and motivated to come to school to learn and teach.”
Furthermore, another minor adjustment with next year’s schedule will be the start time of school. Classes will begin ten minutes earlier at 7:55 a.m. and end at 2:31 p.m. With an earlier conclusion to the school day, the scheduling committee hopes to accommodate students who work and/or participate in extracurricular activities and sports. Also, being released from school earlier will allow students to seek more extra help when needed.
In all aspects of high school and not just in regard to the schedule, Becton strives to be the very best it can possibly be; therefore, Dr. Sforza strongly urges students to become involved and share any ideas to better the school community with teachers and their school administration.
“I am looking forward to capitalizing on this momentum and continuing to collaborate on ways we can bring innovative teaching and learning opportunities to Becton,” he said.

Jaylen Nuila is a senior and will begin her second year as a staff writer for the school paper. At Becton, Jaylen is very involved and plays on the varsity...