Marallano, Kruk win Art Beautification Contest

Angela Cheung, Staff Writer

The Art Beautification Committee is a volunteer organization that preserves the beauty of the town of East Rutherford by performing activities such as planting trees and flowers or providing paintings for local areas. The committee of the Art Beautification Contest selected two winners from both Becton and Faust Middle School to paint their artwork on fences that will be displayed around the town.

After three weeks of judging, the committee selected two talented artists from Becton Regional High School: Senior Bonnie Marallano and Sophomore Claudia Kruk. The winners will each be receiving 100 dollars.

Leader of the Beautification Committee and Teacher’s Aide Mrs. Melchionne is very grateful to be a part of the organization because it helps the community. She noted her love for talented children.

“This committee meets monthly to work in order to make the town beautiful,” said Mrs. Melchionne. She hopes that the chosen winners of the Art Beautification Contest will make the fences stand out to the public.

“These painted fences will be out there for ten to twenty years. I love that because it represents the talents that the kids have at Becton. The high school has so many students that are very artistic and it’s wonderful,” she said.

“Bonnie and Claudia’s artwork appeals to all ages, nationalities and sexes. That’s why they won. Their artwork can relate to everyone even grandparents,” joked the teacher’s aide.

Co-Advisor of the Beautification Committee and Art Teacher Mrs. Savincki described Claudia’s artwork as a “nicely designed drawing of zoo animals.” She explained how she liked the concept of the zoo animals because it appeals to many children.

Mrs. Savincki described Bonnie’s space themed drawing as different and unexpected. “This fence is something unique and out of the ordinary,” said the art teacher.

Co-Advisor of the Beautification Committee and Art Teacher Mrs. Colangelo stated, “I was really impressed with how the students approached this opportunity. I was looking for artwork that was original and relatable. The winners’ artwork was everything I looked for. It was definitely timeless and you can see the dedication put in each drawing.”