Drug and alcohol awareness assembly encourages students to “Stay in Your Lane”

Speaker Michael De Leon reminds students that they have the ability to choose their destiny and to think of which path they would like to take.

Speaker Michael De Leon reminds students that they have the ability to choose their destiny and to think of which path they would like to take.

An assembly entitled “Under the Influence” was presented by Steered Straight in the B-PAC this morning. Steered Straight is a non-profit organization whose goal is to educate students to make the right decisions throughout their lives.

Michael De Leon, speaker and film producer of Kids Are Dying-An American Epidemic,  began the presentation by informing the student body that in 2013 alone, he had been to 37 drug related funerals.

De Leon also went on to reveal that “forty college kids die to drugs and alcohol every single day.” The speaker began his own battle with narcotics that started with taking an abundance of caffeine pills on a daily basis. This action eventually led him to try cocaine, which eventually sparked a crack addiction. Married with two children, De Leon was involved in a drug related murder, so he spent 12 years of his life in jail.

Following life behind bars and learning from his mistakes with the strong support of his family, the presenter pursued a college education and is now a motivational speaker, a Freshman Retention Committee Member at Rutgers University, and is continuing his studies to become a social worker.

The Steered Straight presenters answered important questions from the audience at the conclusion of the assembly.

Furthermore, 19-year old Colin O’Brien from Randolph, NJ, spoke to the students about his struggle with drugs since he was 12 years of age. As a gang member, he became homeless in Newark and suffered a heart attack at the age of 16 because of a cocaine overdose. O’Brien noted that he lost 25 friends who ranged from 14 to 21 years of age due to drug and alcohol abuse. O’Brien is currently enrolled in a community college and is pursuing a degree in social work.

Last but certainly not least, final speaker John Fuqua wrapped up the assembly by reminding students to “Stay in Your Lane” by standing up to bullying, being yourself, focusing on education, and making position decisions among other motivational messages. His focus was on real friends not allowing other friends to become involved with drugs. Fuqua lost a close friend to drugs and an 18-year old nephew to a drug related murder.

For more information on Steered Straight, one can visit steeredstraight.org or call 856-691-6676. A confidential and anonymous youth helpline can be reached at 888-222-2228.