Becton’s Twitter feed continues to enhance community outreach

Media Specialist and VHS Site Coordinator Ms. Vaccaro updates the Twitter feed throughout the day to relay news in a timely manner.
December 22, 2014
In a society of online posts, Instagram likes, and constant technology updates, the Becton staff has recently expanded its forms of communication to social media, namely Twitter. Under the management of Media Specialist Ms. Vaccaro, the Becton Twitter accounts serve as news outlets for all aspects of the high school.
Active since the beginning of November, each account is dedicated to a different feature of the building. The main account, @BectonHS, offers students and community members general news about the school.
“It provides for instantaneous announcements for games, events, and emergency messages, like delayed openings or school closings,” said Principal Dr. Sforza. It also includes congratulatory tweets, photos from recent field trips, Spirit Week pictures, and information about other school related events.
Meanwhile, on @BectonAthletic, Athletic Coordinator Ms. Giancaspro tweets about athletic information, ranging from recent scores, student-athlete awards, and upcoming games. Ms. Vaccaro also controls the @Becton_Library account, which shares news about Virtual High School and the Media Center.
“We wanted to start a Twitter feed in our first year as a goal for community outreach,” said Dr. Sforza. He stresses that the feeds will allow all members of the community to get a good understanding of what Becton is all about.
Currently, @BectonHS has 83 followers, @BectonAthletic has 68, and @Becton_Library has 10. “I really want some more followers,” said Ms. Vaccaro. Administration hopes that gaining more followers will facilitate communication and strengthen the Becton community.
“Twitter is ongoing,” said Dr. Sforza. “Therefore, it creates an ongoing legacy for Becton.”