Bullying Prevention Month is celebrated throughout the entire month of October. It is encouraged to wear the color blue to fight against bullying. October was decalred National Bullying Prevention Month in 2006.
Bullying occurs in many different ways, such as verbally, physically, and through social media. In 2023, about 46% of teens report being cyber-bullied at least once. About 79% of students are verbally harassed at school. Throughout the halls of Becton, the students are taught the Becton Way, which never includes bullying. Students are taught about the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying is:
- Unwanted, aggressive behavior
- Involving a power imbalance
- Gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication
Becton takes action not only through October but through the entire school year to help those who may be a victim of bullying. There are always members of the Becton staff that students can go to, including the guidance counselors and any of our teachers. Becton has its own Student Assistant Counselor, Ms. Mitchell, who specializes in bullying prevention. A member of the Child Study Team, Michelle O’Neil explained, “Every counselor, every single faculty member, every teacher, the principal, you name it, every single person that works in the school has been trained, so we know right away how important it is to get on your side. You have the entire school district coming together to stop bullying in its tracks.”

Nevertheless, Becton stands together to fight against bullying. With many teachers and staff in the building, no one is ever alone in any situation.