Becton faculty shares top picks on holiday wish lists

Klaudia Ryznar, Staff Writer

Every year students ask one another what they hope to receive for the holidays, but what the Becton faculty wants always remains a question. Curious to know, the Cat’s Eye View staff asked around to see what exactly is at the top of a teacher’s wish list.

First off, being that technology has become a huge part of daily life, many teachers are wishing for electronic devices this winter. English Teacher Mrs. Lonergan has her mind set on a Samsung 4KUHD television, which she said will set her husband back about 2,000 dollars. She plans on making the purchase at BJ’s and is searching thoroughly for the best bargain price. 

Another technology-seeking teacher is Mrs. Mackanin in the science department. She stated, “I’m in need of a laptop, a good laptop, because mine is on the verge of ending.” With her failing computer in mind, she hopes for a MacBook Air, which can be purchased at the Apple Store for approximately 1,000 dollars.

For History Teacher Mr. Bononno, a Go-Pro Camera is placed very high on his list of holiday presents. This device varies in color and model, and the price ranges from 130 to 500 dollars. This high-quality camera has many innovative features, including a waterproof exterior and its own built-in Wi-Fi. 

Tickets to theatrical shows and sporting events proved to be another popular gift category among teachers. According to the Becton staff, enjoying a memorable experience can be just as rewarding as any materialistic object.

History Teacher Mr. DiBona, for instance, says that he would treasure tickets to see the New York Rangers, his favorite hockey team. The seats can cost anywhere from 100 to 200 dollars, depending on how close they are to the rink. Furthermore, Spanish Teacher Mrs. Sanchez dreams of attending the Radio City Christmas Spectacular show. Starring the Rockettes, this annual musical can be seen in New York City. Tickets are valued at 75 to 200 dollars depending on seat location.

Moving on to the business department, Ms. Annitti would love plane tickets for a get-away vacation. She is unsure of where she would like to visit, but stresses that the destination must have warm weather.

Meanwhile, several teachers hope for intangible items and gifts that benefit others. Mr. Kuhns and Mr. Shin shared that peace in the Middle East would be their ultimate wish, and soon to be retiree, Ms. Selwocki, wants good health and pure happiness for not only herself, but everyone around her.

With all of these extraordinary desires, a simple, useful gift can also be cherished by many. Art Teacher Mrs. Colangelo is in desperate need of a casserole dish. “I chipped mine during this Thanksgiving break,” she stated while laughing.

Last but certainly not least, Physical Education Instructor Mr. Settembrino prays that his wife remains healthy during her pregnancy. “That’s all I can wish for and want,” he said.