Career Exploration Internship Program Ceremony 2023
On Tuesday, June 6 2023, Becton concluded their 7th annual Career Exploration Internship Program with their final ceremony. The program is an option for all Seniors at Becton to help prepare them for a professional work environment. Students are able to choose what career they want to pursue and teacher Gina Annitti–also the Career Exploration Internship Advisor–assigns them to a workplace that would best fit their interests. The program takes place all year to assist the students in choosing the career path they feel is best for them. According to Annitti, this program benefits the students by, “enhancing future employment opportunities, increasing college acceptance potential, working with exceptional role models, developing appropriate workplace social skills and job specific skills, improving motivation and self-esteem, and becoming more aware of personal strengths and challenges.”
Advisor Annitti sheds some light on the program, “The Career Exploration Internship Program offers motivated high school seniors a chance to go beyond the formal education of the classroom. Students will have the opportunity to “test drive” a career through a quality internship in a field matched to their interests and abilities. Students will work with mentors in an exciting, highly-structured, well-monitored setting. Overall, the Career Exploration Internship Program delivers adult challenges, exceptional role models, and individualized learning to prepare students for the professional work environment.”
In terms of the ceremony, it is used for each internship student to give a speech about how their internship affected their future plans. Their mentors are also invited to hear their final thoughts on the job! Students were given certificates for completing the program, and mentors were given certificates of appreciation. Though some students found this opportunity drove them away from the specific career path they wanted to pursue in the first place, many found that it immensely helped them to figure out what their future occupation should be. Seniors including Lucas Chen and Alex Ochoa interned in the school! Chen interned with Mr. Gbaguidi and Ochoa interned with Chef Perdomo and Chef Damelio. Other students interned at places such as Carlstadt Public School and Holy Angels Hospital.
Senior Grace Padovano proudly stated, “If you had asked me two years ago what I wanted to do in the future, I would have shrugged my shoulders and changed the subject. Today, I can honestly say I want to be an elementary school teacher and I wouldn’t be able to say that without this program.” Annitti echo’s the success of the program, “It is so rewarding to hear about students’ positive internship experiences and the lasting connections they’ve made with mentors. When I hear that they are pursuing the career field they were interested in, it makes me very happy. I feel equally as happy if they realize a career is not for them and they have determined a better career path as a result of the program. This program truly helps pave the way for their future and gives them a better understanding of what they want to do and helps them learn and grow personally and professionally.” As a result of the program, students have been able to figure out what career would be best for them, and they wouldn’t have been able to do it without the internship program!

Rose Padovano is a senior at Becton Regional High School-- soon to graduate Becton and pass the torch to her two younger siblings who currently attend...