Becton Community Bands Together to Award 2022 Graduates with Thousands in Awards
June 7, 2022 marked the annual Senior Awards Ceremony. This event is for seniors to receive scholarships and awards that they previously applied for, including academic awards that they were nominated for by teachers. The Tuesday evening event took place in the JW Performing Arts Center, where Mrs. DeSantis and Mrs. Tabaka welcomed students and guests with warming hellos and brochures handcrafted to list every award in the order they were presented. This year’s ceremony was marked by plenty of regularly occurring presenters/donors and new ones, as well. Seats were reserved for the graduating seniors in the first few rows of the middle section in the auditorium. There were a couple of rows in the audience dedicated to the presenters and members of the Board of Education. The Board of Education Members that attended were President Zakaria Kandiel, Vice President Jason Bulger, Ariella Alvarez, Robert Anderson, Jeffrey Grabowski, Constantina Hanna, Steven Lahullier, Claire Padovano, Buce Young, Superintendent and Principal Dr. Dario Sforza, Assistant Principal James Bononno, and Board Scretary and Business Administrator Nicholas Annitti. The commencement of the ceremony began with Dr. Sforza sharing a few words in honor of the seniors, donors, and of course the gratitude surrounding the privilege of being able to award students for their unique contributions. Shortly after, the graduates and audience said the Flag Salute and sat back down for Mr. Caprio to begin the ceremony. All awards are listed as follows:
Becton Board of Education Valedictorian & Salutatorian Awards presented by Zakaria Kandiel, Mayor James Cassella Student-Athlete Award presented by Mayor James Casella, The Hildegarde & Eleanor Heinrich Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, Carlstadt-East Rutherford Lions Club Scholarship presented by Mayor Jeffrey Lahullier, Carlstadt Board of Education Scholarships presented by Kenneth Froy, Carlstadt Mayor & Council Award presented by Councilwoman Diane DeBiasi, Leonard F. Lewandowski Memorial Scholarship presented by Lisa Schneider, The Thomas “Tiny” Haines Award presented by Kelsey & Erin Haines,The Women’s Club of Carlstadt Health & Medical Profession Scholarship presented by Rosalie Bespalko, The Frank T Boccellato Navy Scholarship presented by Rosalie Bespalko, Carlstadt PTA Scholarship presented by Maria McNeill, The Frank & Angela Pinto Memorial Scholarship presented by The Pinto Family, The John “Red” Palsi Memorial Scholarship presented by The Palsi Family, East Rutherford Civic Pride Scholarship presented by Evelyn Samtak, Eclipse Lodge 259 F&AM Masonic Scholarship presented by Walter Siri, Eclipse Lodge 259 F&AM Michael J. Bohrmann Masonic Scholarship presented by Walter Siri, The Karen Kaiser Memorial Scholarship presented by Lena Merrill-Kloza, The First Presbyterian Church “Johanna Roberts Scholarship” presented by The Roberts Family, The Greater Bergen Association of REALTORS Scholarship presented by Dora Omana, Michael A. Schwarz Memorial Scholarship presented by Robert Moore, Lakeland Bank Scholarship presented by Celina Gerbic, East Rutherford PBA Scholarship presented by SRO Kevin Felten, William Griffith Scholarship presented by John Giancaspro, Dennis Taormina, Jr. Memorial Scholarship presented by John Giancaspro, Joseph Pycior Jr. Memorial Scholarship presented by Teresa Pycior, A.W. Van Winkle & Co. Scholarship presented by Robert Van Winkle, Carlstadt PBA Scholarship presented by Lt. Chris Hasch & Lt. Robert Colaneri, Carlstadt Recreation Soccer League Rosanna DiLeme Memorial Scholarship presented by Jose Figueroa & Suzanna Fonseca, East Rutherford PTA Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, Katherine Wickle-Ochipa Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, The Carole Sudol Memorial Scholarship presented by Katie Scalera, Becton Theater Award presented by Michele Morell & Rebecca Cruz, Spotlight Playhouse Scholarship presented by Michele Morrell & Rebecca Cruz, Schmidt Hager VFW Post 3149 Scholarship & Highest History Carlstadt Award presented by Senior Vice Commander Frank Schmidt, The Becton Staff Award presented by Elisa Gatto, The Matthew Dickman Memorial Scholarship presented by Linda Dickman, Louis Lanzallato/Bergen County Coaches Scholarship presented by Annette Giancaspro, Bergen County Women Coaches Association Award presented by Annette Giancaspro,Battle of Paterson Ave. presented by Annette Giancaspro, The Wildcat Award presented by Stacey Oram,Multicultural Award presented by Marc Caprio, Partners in Education Award presented by Marc Caprio, The Joseph M. Sanzari Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, East Rutherford Senior Citizens’ Award presented by Marc Caprio, Kearny Federal Savings Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, The Michael Caprio Mass Media Award presented by Marc Caprio, The David Caprio Outdoor Living Scholarship presented by Marc Caprio, Bergen County Directors of Guidance Award presented by Belinda Cannarozzi,History Award presented by Jonna Calvanico, Mathematics Award presented by Robert DiDomenico,Science Award presented by Robert DiDomenico, Physical Education Award-Male presented by Jessica O’Driscoll, Physical Education Award – Female presented by Jessica O’Driscoll, Salutatorian Award presented by James Bononno, The Becton Dickinson Valedictorian Scholarship presented by Dr. Sforza
An astounding fifty-thousand dollars of awards was presented to the graduates. In the words of Angelina DaSilva, a member of the Class of 2022, “Watching my peers earn these incredible awards was really heartwarming. Growing up with these beautiful individuals for the past four years has given me a totally different perspective as to what true dedication and perseverance looks like. Seeing them receive awards and scholarships after all of their hard work was a perfect way to close out our high school career.” This money ensures the feeling that the Becton community has their backs in all of their future endeavors and reassures Becton’s role as a permanent building block in their successes.
These awards showcase the hard work and dedication that these graduates have provided in the face of trials and tribulations presented to them by the world. As Caprio said best in quotation of Ferris Bueller after all of the awards were presented, “Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.” While life may extend past the Becton high school experience, being a wildcat will always stick with these cats in their hearts.
Thank you to the generous donors in providing financial support for the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Board of Education Becton Regional High School Scholarship Account: Candlewyck Diner, Donald A. Fanelli, D.M.D., Educational Data Services, Inc., Kimak Funeral Home, Master Pizza, New Park Tavern, Professional Insurance Associates, Inc., Systems 3000, Ventura Glass Company, Inc., Weir Welding Company, Inc.

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