The Criminal Justice Class Takes On a New Case, The Mystery Assault on Mrs. Settembrino
It’s that time of year again folks! The Criminal Justice/Law and Forensic classes are back at it again with their investigation. This year, it begins on the morning of March 1st, at 7:30 am. There was a brutal assault on a teacher, Justine Settembrino, with a rolling pin, by one of her own staff members. Settembrino wasn’t able to identify the suspect, but the forensic students already have matching fingerprints and hair samples. The Law Class has no witnesses besides what janitors, Phil Cupto and Bernard Matos, had heard in the hallway. Motive? Love? Jealousy? Envy? Greed? Keep track of the investigation and trials on the Cat’s Eye View!

The Forensic class began their investigation aspect of the case, which brings out the essentials of formatting the case itself. The key pieces of evidence were found at the crime scene and they all point in many different directions. From a dyed hair sample to fingerprints on the murder weapon, to notes, to money, and even to hearts over a picture of Settembrino’s husband. There is definitely no shortage of evidence for this case!
The defendant has been discovered through the forensic team’s hard work and was disclosed to the law classes. It has come to terms that Michele Tabaka will be put on trial for the assault of Settembrino. The motive remains unknown, it is now in the hands of the teams that have been chosen to either prove Tabaka has committed the act without doubt or to provide an alternative to who may have committed this horrendous act at Becton.

Those pieces of evidence will be the groundwork of the case. Now the prosecution and defense teams from Kimberly DePeri’s law class must determine what will and will not harm their case. DePeri, out of her two classes, must choose one prosecution and one defense. DePeri released the two chosen teams, based on the best results and hard work, and extensive knowledge of the case. On the defense, it’s Connie Lemon, Bobby Colaneri, Ava McLaren, Valentina Reyes, and Jordan Schmidt to defend the defendant. As for the prosecution, Ryan Albanese, Allyson Bautista, Giulia Begliardi and Giana DiLemme. The two will have to show the jury their storyline and use the evidence to back it up. DePeri will award the winning team with an examination of their big final project! The tension is running high in Becton hallways and the student body is thrilled for soon to be taking place trial. Now the fate of Mrs. Tabaka is in the hands of the Jury.

Madison Knueppel is a senior at Becton Regional High School and hopes to be attending either William Paterson University or Montclair State University...