Nurse Cantatore Wins the Educational Service Professional of the Year Award
Becton’s kindhearted and sedulous nurse, Mrs. Alyssa Cantatore, has been crowned 2022’s Educational Service Professional of the Year! The celebration called for a parade around the school to congratulate her success. Cantatore was speechless due to the surprise of her win since she was not aware that she was nominated for the award. She reports gratefully, “I still can’t express how honored I feel to have been considered and chosen for this award. This building is filled with so many passionate and talented professionals.” Cantatore is extremely proud of how far she has come throughout her nursing career.
Originally, Cantatore was a member of the acute care unit at Holy Name Hospital before she made the switch to School Nursing. She admits, “When the opportunity arose to work as a school nurse in a district with other family members, I decided to take it.” Though she worked as a school nurse ten years before Becton, she has never felt so grateful to be part of such a hardworking group.
In fact, Cantatore and her colleagues impressively accomplished the reopening of Becton for the start of the 2020-2021 school year after the ongoing cases of COVID-19. She proudly states, “I do not know of any other district that was able to open on schedule last year without closing for COVID. Becton was able to remain open for in-person learning for the entire school year.” These plans would not have been achievable without the excessive discussions starting all the way from March 2020, when the virus began. From the get-go, Cantatore and other administrators did all they could to welcome students back into the building for the first day of school in September 2020.
Cantatore dedicated herself to, “interpreting necessary health guidelines and mandates, and sharing the details that needed to be followed in order to safely reopen and remain open during the pandemic”. She became a certified contact tracer for COVID-19 through online courses at John Hopkins University in 2020. She continues her role as, “a facilitator between the building and reporting entities.” Cantatore’s career as a nurse is not just to aid the ill or injured, it is to serve many challenging jobs into one immense responsibility.

Mr. Cantatore, a colleague and family member of Cantatore, commends her on her attributes and duties to the school. He states, “Mrs. Cantatore played a very important role in keeping the school doors open while adhering to the constantly-changing guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This is in addition to all of the other responsibilities of the school nurse, such as providing first aid care, administering medications, and maintaining health records for 650+ students.” Clearly, Cantatore is incredibly involved in all aspects of the school. She is prideful in “providing the best possible care for students who are ill or injured,” according to Mr. Cantatore. Her selflessness and dedication will never go unnoticed.
All of her hard work is constantly supported by her loving family and friends. Cantatore excitedly shares, “[They] were all thrilled for me. They know how hard I have worked over the years, and were glad that I am being recognized.” Congratulations was not the only thing Cantatore received, as she was consumed with flowers and an honorary plaque engraved with her achievement to display on the wall of her office. Next to this year’s award, is her Golden Mask Award which she received from administration last school year. Cantatore admits, “When I was presented with this year’s award I was so surprised, and I laughed until I cried. I keep both awards in my office and they bring me joy every time I see them.” The awards are something bright to look back on during the dark times of the pandemic.
Aside from the uplifting banter, she deeply appreciates her award as Becton’s Educational Service Professional of the Year. She feels that, “The beginning of the year was especially challenging. I tried my best to keep focused and stay on track with COVID still being present and constant. This award served as a reminder that my efforts and hard work are appreciated and have been recognized.” Cantatore’s heroic actions have and will always be extremely valued by the Becton community.

Amanda Hasch is currently a senior and is wrapping up her high school experience at Becton Regional High School. She has truly enjoyed her time in high...