Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Commemorates Clock Tower, Marks Conclusion of Construction
Approximately 60 people ranging from Henry P. Becton Jr., local politicians, and administration to parents and students attended the Clock Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Oct. 26, which concluded with a tour of the newly reconstructed Becton Regional High School.
Throughout the ceremony it was made clear that the addition of the clock tower to the high school symbolizes all that Henry P. Becton has done for the community. Henry P. Becton Sr. “always had a strong tie to the community,” said his son. He believes his father would have loved the idea of having one of the original clock tower faces donated to the high school. Becton Jr. went on to state, “I couldn’t have thought of anything my father would have wanted more.”
The clock tower was donated from Becton Dickinson, an international medical instruments company, and features one of its four original faces. Becton Dickinson Historian Alice Moskowitz stated, “Ninety nine years ago, on May 26, 1915, the clock that you see proudly mounted on the Becton Regional High School building was installed in one of the Becton Dickinson’s headquarters on Cornelia Street in East Rutherford.”
“Clock towers have always been the center of a community,” stated Henry P. Becton Jr. He believes that throughout history, clock towers always symbolize the community and now believes this one represents Becton Regional High School.
“Sunday provided us with a glimpse of what we can implement when all stakeholders come together,” said Principal Dr. Sforza. He then went on to add, “The nice thing about the clock tower is that it does bring the community together.”
During his speech, Henry P. Becton Jr. walked those who attended the ceremony through his personal experiences with the clock. He made it clear that as a child he always wanted to go inside of the clock. He said it was “like magic to me.” Henry P. Becton Jr. then discussed how fascinated he is by the parts inside of the clock along with the loud click the pendulum makes.
Former Becton Superintendent Dr. Feldman, who helped begin the process of reconstruction seven years ago before he retired, was in attendance. After seeing the newly finished project he expressed that the building looks “refreshed,” like it was built just this year. In regards to the clock tower, he stated, “It draws the Becton Dickinson family and the Becton Regional High School family closer together.”

David is currently a senior, but as a junior, he was nominated for Boys State. For nearly four years now, David has been a member of the debate...