The generator will be installed in the back of the high school.
Supervisor Caputo and staff prep school for generator, update facility
September 20, 2017
Becton Regional High School will be receiving a brand new $222,000 generator by the end of October.
If the high school was to ever lose power, the generator will be able to provide heating and emergency lights to all of the school. Not only that, but the generator will be able to power the computer server room as well, which means that students will be able to continue to use the Internet even during a power outage.
Mr. Philip Caputo, the Supervisor of Building and Grounds, had a major part in prepping the facility for the placement of the generator.
“We made sure all the lights and emergency lights were up to code for the generator,” said Mr. Caputo.
Furthermore, the supervisor is in charge of overseeing the whole project while working alongside the architect, engineers and contractors.
Currently, everything in the background of the generator is complete. Specifically, all the piping and wiring from the boiler room of the school to the outside is up to code, and at this point in time, the contractors are finishing the platform where the generator will be placed, which will be outside by the student parking lot.
In other building and grounds news, over the summer, the custodial staff has changed all the auditorium lights to LED bulbs. They also installed two new speakers in the auditorium, relined and renumbered the faculty parking lot, and replaced light switches with motion detectors to save on lighting when there is no occupancy.
Most importantly, with safety of the school building first in mind, Mr. Caputo and his staff installed carbon monoxide detectors in all areas of the building where mandated by the state of New Jersey.
Last but certainly not least, with some new technology added inside the school building, Mr. Caputo and his staff have installed three brand new televisions around the facility and wired new cables so that the televisions can be connected to the Internet.