First-time music club offered at Becton


Mr. Daniello has brought the idea of creating a music club to Becton Regional High School.

Samirah Reyes, Staff Writer

Mr. Daniello, a Becton Regional High School physical education instructor, has recently introduced a music club at the high school.

The afterschool activity is open to any aspiring musicians that want a place to share their musical interests and possibly form a band.

“I’ve been a musician for over 20 years, and when I was a student here [at Becton], I always wished there was a club like this. When I became a teacher, I always wanted to be able to offer an opportunity for like-minded students to have a place to go and jam out after school,” he said.

Mr. Daniello is a self-taught musician who started his career at the age of 19. He is currently in a band and “plays sporadically.”

“One of my other band members, a former Becton graduate, is on tour at the moment. When he comes home, we go out and play shows, but for now, I perform solo,” he said.

The adviser’s short-term goal for the club is to have students of the same interests be able to write and perform music together. His long-term goal would be to somehow, in the future, be able to record music that the students write during their high school years. “I want them to have the finished product, so when they go home, they have something they could listen to,” he said.

“Having the club will give students an opportunity to experience music in a way that they would not be able to if they did not have a place to go to like this,” he added.

“Music has helped me grow as a person, and I feel that by letting students write together and form as a community, it could help them too. I’m hoping that by giving them an outlet, the music will eventually inspire them on its own.” He mentioned that songs have always been a big part of his life, and he wants students to make music a big part of their lives as well.

“Through music, I met many people and reached out to others with personal issues. I healed myself through music, whether it’s playing in different bands, shows, and venues or connecting with crowds,” he shared.

At the first meeting, about ten students were present, and the club meets after school twice per month in the music room for about one hour.

“I see the club expanding to where we are at a point where we could run open mic nights at Becton, perform more shows for the school, and get the students to learn more about writing songs, etc,” Mr. Daniello said.