Mrs. Robitaille is completing her student teaching experience at Becton Regional High School.
Mrs. Robitaille, who is currently working alongside History Teacher Mr. Carr, has returned to Becton from May of last year to continue her student teaching experience.
The soon-to-be full-time history instructor observes all of Mr. Carr’s classes, which include APUSH 1 and 2, United States History 1, World History and World History Honors, and AP Government.
Mrs. Robitaille found the opportunity to work at Becton through her student teaching experience in the neighboring town of Carlstadt. “I was very lucky,” she said. “I was observing at CPS, and at the off chance, I asked if a teacher had any contacts at the high school who I can go and talk to while his class went on a field trip, and he recommended Mr. Carr. The rest is history. Literally.”
When asked about her experience working with Mr. Carr, she said, “I think we work very well. He is amazing in the classroom, he is incredible to observe, he is also very open at letting me suggest and write lessons, and he is willing to support whatever I have to do, which is very valuable in a student teacher relationship.” Mrs. Robitaille also expressed her appreciation for the desk she received in Mr. Carr’s classroom to help her complete her student teaching duties.
As far as working closely with Mrs. Robitaille, Mr. Carr expressed, “Well, we’ve been looking at the calendar and trying to figure out how to make the eight weeks the most productive. Some of the material we’ve been working on is because APUSH 1 comes first. I’m kind of doing the same stuff, and she is going to adapt it to US History not AP [class], and then we will kind of get her to do a little bit of both.”

“I think the class material is very challenging, even from AP all the way down to regular. I think it’s broad, which is challenging in itself, but I think it affords a great opportunity for both students and teachers to expand their content knowledge,” said the student teacher. She added, “This is my first time working with the AP system, so it is interesting to see how an AP class works.”
Mrs. Robitaille is just a few months shy of earning a master’s degree from American Public University. Her degree will certify her to teach secondary education, which spans from grades seven through twelve. Afterwards, she will be sending resumes to the Department of Defense Schools at West Point. The student teacher plans to move there with her two children and her husband who is currently in the Armed Forces. “It’s [West Point] a beautiful place, and it’s so amazing to actually see the spot where Benedict Arnold ran away!” she exclaimed.
Overall, Mr. Carr appreciates and enjoys the opportunity to have a student teacher like Mrs Robitaille. He believes that she is great for ideas, specifically calling her “the sounding board.” The two instructors grade essays together, complete the “A” day late attendance together, and at times, eat lunch together. He also mentioned that she has been very helpful in learning “that beasty” whilst referring to his new e-board. She subdues any confusion and often advises him to “use the stylus.”
Last but certainly not least, as New England natives, Mr. Carr and Mrs. Robitaille both share a love for Boston athletics.