Local therapist teaches GHG members communication skills


Ms. Lorise Mayer, LCSW, PsyA, a therapist in Bergen County, takes time to speak to the GHG Club about communication skills.

Becton’s Girls Helping Girls Club welcomed a guest speaker, Ms. Lorise Mayer, LCSW, PsyA, who took the time to speak to the girls about assertive communication on October 25.

Ms. Mayer grew up in Brooklyn observing all the people around her, which led her to desire a deeper understanding of her surroundings and in turn, sparked her interest in becoming a therapist. She now has a master’s degree in counseling and social work in addition to a degree in psychoanalysis all while being a psychotherapist who works out of two offices in Bergen County.

When Ms. Mayer visited Becton, she elaborated on what her career entails and the skills she has obtained while working in the field of helping others.

Furthermore, she handed out a personal “Bill of Rights” to all in attendance, which revealed a list of specific techniques that females could use in order to be more assertive while communicating. For example, techniques included the broken record, taking time-outs and using more “I” statements.

“It’s not about putting anyone else down, but it’s an equal way of communicating or having respect for yourself and everyone else,” said Ms. Mayer.

The speaker was able to relate to her own personal struggles and truly teach the girls that it is okay to say “no” without feeling guilty.

“Speaking up for yourself is a right that no one can take away from you,” she said.