The local DPW helped Becton's NHS members clean up the park.
The National Honor Society attended their third annual field trip in order to help the Carlstadt community.
Mrs. Colangelo, adviser of the NHS program at Becton, utilized the chance to teach the NHS members how important their contribution is to the community, and thought this would be a great way to help make positive change in the surrounding area. The students had the opportunity to clean up the community garden at Carlstadt Public School by pulling weeds and reorganizing the sitting area. The few members also cleaned, planted flowers and laid mulch in all areas to freshen up the space, while other students circulated the school and searched park grounds while collecting litter.
The NHS students have often completed events that have taken part in doing charity work and collecting money, but Mrs. Colangelo wanted the members to donate by investing their time and energy instead.
She further reiterates that the teens found this experience both rewarding and meaningful because they each had the opportunity to enhance the beauty of the community.
“I think seeing the end results was gratifying for all the NHS members,” she said.
Overall, the adviser feels like this was a positive experience for everyone and that they all left feeling good about their ability to give back to their community.
As a side note, Mrs. Colangelo provided insight on the new plaque soon to be installed later this month at Stepanek Park and continued on to say how they will host a small ceremony highlighting the importance of the communal statue.