Photo courtesy of zrichards.wordpress.com
When the month of October begins, seniors across the country begin to focus on one priority-the college application. The application is not something that seniors particularly look forward to, as completing each and every one of them can be extremely stressful, so they can use all the help that they can get. With that said, second period has been designated for seniors who need help with their college application and essay.
This is the first time that the college readiness program has been implemented at Becton, and the school hopes that this year’s seniors will get a lot out of it. Mrs. DeSantis, who can be found in the media center, will be available for help for the first half of the year, and Mrs. Gatto will be available for the second half.
College essays are some of the most important features when it comes to a college application, and it is best that students can seek help for them when needed.
“I think senior year is a very busy and stressful time for students, so it is best that they get as much help as they can,” said Mrs. De Santis.
It is essential for students to write concrete essays that are grammatically correct and get their point across, and with the help the school is now providing, this can be guaranteed.
As soon as the idea was introduced, students already started showing their gratitude.
“One of the biggest challenges in our lives right now is college applications, especially the essay portions. It’s a very stressful process, but with the generous offer of our excellent English teachers, I feel much more confident,” stated Senior Nadia Gani.
Senior Stephanie Giraldo said, “I think it’s a phenomenal opportunity or students to receive help for college essays. It’s a difficult time for students, and Mrs. DeSantis knows exactly what’s needed for a student to succeed in their writing.”