The staff and their decade costumes!
The Halloween Pep Rally allows students to dress out of character and to have creative freedom as well as compete in multiple games, and opportunities at candy! Staff and students are able to join in these games while also competing with one another in the costume contest. Winners of the contest and the activities received a goodie bag filled with Halloween candy!
This year, staff in each department had a designated theme and were asked to dress in a specific time period. For example, English teachers, Daniella Polmann and Kathryn Scalera were dressed as Cinderella and her Fairy Godmother from “Cinderella” which debuted in the 1950s. Another unbeatable group was the Physical Education Department who dressed as “The Breakfast Club” from the 1980s. The creativity with costumes, especially by the staff, was astonishing!
The most notable games consist of the toilet-paper mummy wrap and the pie eating contest! During the mummy wrap contest, each team from each grade competes and dresses their partner in a toilet paper roll in the fastest time. Once the “mummy” is mummified the contestant dressed as the mummy has to run up and down the gym to claim their prize. During the pie eating contest, each participant has to finish their pumpkin pie quickest. This game is the crowd pleaser every year. Students jumped out their seats and ran all the way down from the stands to cheer on their friends. Overall, the competitiveness between the grades and the thunderous crowd of students cheering on their peers every year at the Halloween pep rally is unbeatable!

Finally, students and staff who attended the Halloween Pep Rally were asked a series of questions about their experience. One student said, “My favorite activity was the pumpkin pie eating contest because it was funny seeing all the contestants rushing and stuffing as much pie into their mouths as they could.” Similarly, a staff member stated, “One of the main events that I look forward to seeing is the pumpkin pie eating contest. There are always students who take on the challenge of going head-to-head with Dr. Farina. The pumpkin pie eating contest is special because there has not been someone to beat the reigning champion!” Overall, the experiences between students and staff were all filled with extreme positivity. This event is something not only for students to enjoy but staff as well which makes this pep rally so memorable each year!
The costume contest 2022 winners are as follows:
Scariest: Luna Celemi as a Clown
Most Creative: Shawn Healy as MF Boom
Funniest: Angelina Saad as Pitbull
Best Individual Costume: Shawn Pierre as Tyrone from The Backyardigans and Mr. Dorsey as Warren G. Harding
Best Duo: Juan Tamayo and Sal Penna as Buzz and Woody and Ms. Scalera and Ms. Polmann and Fairy God Mother and Cinderella
Best Group: Senior Class as Despicable Me and The Phys. Ed as the Breakfast Club